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PAnagiotis Tsiantopoulos


Pi Symbol



Senior Projekt Manager, Migration Expert, Business Analyst, Change Advisory Board Manager,

Testmanager & Environment Koordinator

“Strive for perfection in everything you do.

Take the best that exists and make it better.

When it does not exist, design it.”

Über mich

SEO Specialist Icon

Spezialisierter Generalist in den fachlichen Domänen:

  • Credit Risk - Rating, Scoring & Stresstests
  • Bankenmigration (Commerzbank & EuroHypo, Commerzbank & Dresdner Bank, Deutsche Bank & Postbank)
  • Carve-Out (BAWAG, BFL, DZ Bank, VR Leasing, VR SmartFinanz)
Experience Icon

umfassende IT-Expertise in:

  • Projekt Management & Projektleitung (agil, Wasserfall, V-Modell)
  • PMO
  • Business Analyse & Requirements Engineering
  • Prozessmanagement
  • Design & Entwicklung
  • Testmanagement & Testumgebungsmanagement
  • Transition Management nach ITIL
  • Change Management nach ITIL

„Consulting at its best.“


Helaba: ATLAS

March 2024 - currently

SPOC between Program Leads and the four IT Projects (Architecture, Test & Release, Mainframe replacement, Infrastucture and Operations)

Deep Dive into AI

September 2023 - February 2024

Deutsche Bank AG: UNITY

Januar 2021 - July 2023

Lead technology manager, responsible for the bank-wide acceptance (UAT) and integration test environment INT++ (E008) environment, supporting the migration environment TMIG, participating in CutOver planning, discussing topics like scope, milestones, risks, issues and solutions with Senior Management

DZ BANK AG: Carve-Out of VR Faktorem from VR Leasing

January 2020 - October 2020

IT project manager, responsible for setup of new target environment, migration concept and plan, milestones, data move, technical safeguarding of closing in due time

DZ BANK AG: Carve-Out of BFL to BAWAG p.s.k.

September 2018 - February 2020

IT project manager, responsible for extraction and handover of all data, milestones, technical safeguarding of closing in due time

Commerzbank AG: Digital strategy - WPO

May 2017 - June 2018

Overall defect manager, remove blocking issues, avoide cluster risks, implement task forces

Deutsche Bank AG: Strategy 2020 - KPI reduction of Operating Systems

September 2016 - March 2017

Sub project manager, impact analysis, identify risks and problems at a very early stage and address or escalate accordingly

Deutsche Bank AG: MITSA 3 Demand Management - Standard Application Environments

March 2016 - September 2016

Project lead, agree scope and plan with inhouse teams as well as with IBM

Commerzbank AG: DWH NoS

March 2015 - December 2015

Business analyst, part of DWH NoS team and working for several projects e.g. "CREST II - Migration Hypothekenbank Frankfurt", impact analysis, test preparation

Deutsche Bank AG: Magellan

January 2015 - February 2015

Team lead, Resolve Audit findings & Self Identified Issues

Deutsche Bank AG: Magellan

September 2012 - December 2014

Manager of the Senior Change Advisory Board, Change Management for Magellan's core components SAP, UC4, ETL, FACE

Deutsche Bank AG: RTP

January 2012 - June 2012

Test environment manager; connection established from yellow to blue world, first EoD including yellow data prepared and conducted, End to End testing made possible

Commerzbank AG: Stresstest platform

May 2011 - January 2012

Business analysis, requirements analysis, documentation, coordination with IT department, test manager.

Commerzbank AG / EuroHypo AG: Project FOKUS

September 2009 - April 2011

Project Manager, business analysis, requirements analysis, impact analysis, documentation, coordination with business department.

Commerzbank AG: Growing Together

Migration and integration of the Dresdner Bank: June - December 2009

Business analysis, test management, coordination with specialist department and overall integration teams.

Commerzbank AG: CoFA - Financial Analysis system

Migration of the financial analysis application to the bank’s “rating:manager” Framework, used by the bank world wide: April - October 2009

Project Manager, business analysis, requirements analysis, change management, test management,

coordination with specialist department and overall integration teams, planning, documentation.

Commerzbank AG/EuroHypo: Basel II - Rating Corporates system

Migration of the corporate customer rating applications to the bank’s new “rating:manager” Framework , used by the bank nation wide: 12 months

Project Manager, business analysis, change management, test management, coordination with specialist department, planning, documentation, implementation

Commerzbank AG: Basel II - Rating Corporates system

Re-Development of an application for rating corporate customers, based on bank’s new “Technical Architecture Rating” (XML, JRules, Oracle, WebSphere), used by the bank nation wide: 8 months

Assistant Project Manager, Lead Business Consultant, coordination with specialist department, planning, documentation, implementation

Commerzbank AG / EuroHypo AG: Basel II - Ship rating system

Development of rating system for rating ships, based on Commerzbank/EuroHypo's JAVA based framework “IRIS” used by the two banks nation wide: 6 months

Specification, documentation, implementation, coordination with specialist department

Commerzbank AG: Basel II - Scoring Private customer system

Development of scoring system for rating private customers, based on bank’s new “Technical Architecture Rating” (XML, JRules, Oracle, WebSphere), used by the bank nation wide: 21 months

Assistant Project Manager, specification, documentation, planning + tracking, implemention, coordination with specialist department and architecture team, production support

Commerzbank AG: Basel II - Rating Corporates system

Development of an application for rating corporate customers, used by the bank world wide: 7 months

Screen design, documentation, coordination with specialist department, planning, implementation, 3rd Level Support

adept consult AG: Impact analysis of Tax Legislation Change Law 2003 on banks

§24c EStG, §45e EStG: 5 months

Business Impact Analysis, Customer Impact Analysis, Strategic Options Analysis, documentation;

Sales, cold calls, presentations, workshop

Clearstream Banking Frankfurt: NCB-Link R1

New German Settlement Model: 21 months

Project Management Office, optimisation of project planning and tracking processes, tracking project plan, issue management, QM, document management, creation of templates, support of Customer Service team, System Architecture team, Business Acceptance Test

adept consult: MDB E+C

Development of a Market Data Base for Equities and Currencies: 7 months

Conceptual design, graphical design, selection of software, system analysis, coding, testing

Commerzbank AG: GHP

Connect interfaces to the Global trade data pool: 6 months

Maintenance, connect “OMR” as additional data delivery system, coding, testing

Collaboration in EU-Project "SPINN" (2001)

Optimisation of sports coaching methods using innovative multimedia assistance: 7 months

Analysis of requirements, specification, conceptual design, architecture, coding, testing. The system has been redesigned and was used at the Olympic Games 2004 in Athens. Greece's "gold" national teams (football, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics) use the system.

IT-Pi EDV Service / several customers since 1999

Computer Based Training, Design and Development, Consulting; Hardware / Software Sales

System analysis, conceptual design, graphical design; supply, setup, on site support, created a print-ready layout for the scientific book “The Social Origins of Modern Science”


VGSD Profil

Satisfied clients

Speech bubbles cartoon

Hallo Panos,

vielen Dank für deine Email und offene Reflexion.

Für alle von uns war es sicherlich ein besonderes Projekt, aus welchem

wir vieles für die Zukunft mitnehmen. Es war ein tolles Team mit einem breiten Satz an Persönlichkeiten sowie Know-how. Ich hätte mir ein anderes Setup (Orga & Lokation) gewünscht, um manche Unklarheit oder auch Stressfaktoren vom Team fernhalten zu können. Aber wie heisst es so schön: „Erfolg ist ein großartiges Deodorant. Es entfernt alle Gerüche der Vergangenheit.“ In diesem Sinne vielen Dank für deinen Einsatz, Qualen, aber am Ende auch den großen Erfolg. Ich hoffe, dass du dich nun ein paar Wochen [...] erholen kannst.

Vielen Dank & alles Gute!

Projektleiter Business, Bank

Speech bubbles cartoon

Lieber Panos,

schade, dass Du die Bank verlässt, aber ich

glaube tief und fest, dass manchmal ein wenig Veränderung und Neues nicht verkehrt ist.

Und.... Wenn ich Vorstand bin, hole ich Dich ohnehin wieder zurück

Bereichsleiter Risk Management / Executive Director, Bank

Speech bubbles cartoon

Hallo Panos,

ich freue mich für Dich, dass Du Dich anderen interessanten Herausforderungen widmen kannst. Es hat immer sehr viel Spaß gemacht mit Dir zusammen zu arbeiten, auch dann,

wenn es mal stressiger war.

Deine ruhige und gelassene Art schätze ich sehr. Aber auch deine fachlichen Qualifikationen sowie die immer

gut gelaunte Art.

Projektleiter Business, Bank

Speech bubbles cartoon

Hallo Panos,

aus meiner Sicht haben wir noch viel zu

wenig zusammen gefeiert.

Ich hoffe jetzt aber nicht, dass du aus Griechenland eine Rückreiseaufforderung bekommen hast und beim kollektiven Aufbau mithelfen musst :-)

Verlässliche Persönlichkeiten werden dort mit Sicherheit gebraucht.

Teilprojektleiter, Bank

Speech bubbles cartoon

Hallo Herr Tsiantopoulos,

Besten Dank für Ihre stets gute Unterstützung, ich wünsche Ihnen für Ihre berufliche und private Zukunft alles Gute und weiterhin viel Erfolg

CIO, Bank

Welche Skills darf ich für Sie einsetzen?

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“Strive for perfection in everything you make”